Yesterday was the first time I've presented a slide show about my work. It was only 7 minutes, so I couldn't really fit all that much in, just a re-cap of what I've done over the first year of my MA. It was great to hear all 19 other students present their work, it made me feel like part of something larger and diverse. What I came away thinking was, we are all drawn to making art in our own way, everyone just needs to create and they'll find their way. The important thing is how to help others make without judgement or criticism, how to encourage fruitful activities in art where we can learn from our doing. All we need to do is create, with little suggestions or nudges and genuine engagement from our peers or teachers.
- ← MA Show 2018 My work is largely connected and interwoven in the pursuit for creativity, through my studio practice this year, in exploring colour first, then line and eventually form and in my research into process-oriented methodology. I began my MA by contemplating… Arts & Crafts during my MA → When I have a photo shoot at Gray's I see my work in a different way, lighter and clearer. Last week I had another chance to get some work photographed and I had a little tutorial session about how to photograph my work at home as well. Here are some of…